The Unpleasantness at the Toastmasters ClubI’m publishing my letter below, because after two weeks, all I received was a “we accept your resignation” letter from the club. I’m…Apr 26, 2022Apr 26, 2022
I actually hesitated to come out as a trans man because I worried about what it would mean for all…Women - AFAB or AMAB - who hate men simply for being men - whether those men are AMAB or AFAB - are just as bad as men who hate women…Jan 13, 2022Jan 13, 2022
Dear Dave ChappelleAs a trans person, I’m now supposed to hate Dave Chapelle. That’s because, during his special The Closer, he said the words “I’m team…Nov 13, 202115Nov 13, 202115
Published inTranslucidityMy Toastmasters Icebreaker SpeechAs a member of Toastmasters International, I was asked to give an “icebreaker” speech of four to six minutes at my local club. The…Sep 8, 20212Sep 8, 20212
Published inTranslucidityIt's kind of funny (except not): even when people know I'm trans, they respond to me as if I'm male…And I feel so guilty because there are so few women in (compared to men, that is), and especially in my field (Information Security), and I…May 4, 2021May 4, 2021
Published inTranslucidityStuff That’s Changed (That I Didn’t Expect to Change) Since I TransitionedWhen I began transitioning, and especially when I started taking testosterone, I expected some things to change. But there were some…Mar 22, 20213Mar 22, 20213
Published inTranslucidityLess of a ManToday I realized that my hair is almost long enough to ponytail again.Aug 7, 20202Aug 7, 20202
Published inTranslucidity“I Have No Peers” — ASD and Trans in a Cishet, Normie WorldIt happened again just recently: a group of people I’d tried to embrace as peers let me know that I was unacceptable. I stepped back…Jul 18, 2020Jul 18, 2020